Jesuit Missionaries
31. Xavier sent off to India and Japan– missions
Because of both trading and colonising, Spain and Portugal were enjoying a period of rapid expansion. The King of Portugal was aware that many of his overseas colonies were lacking in religious infrastructure and were becoming known for lawlessness and immorality. He petitioned the Pope to supply him with clergy to help civilise his new overseas domains. The Pope took Ignatius and the companions at their word when they offered him their services, and asked for two priests to go as missionaries to Goa. When Nicholas Bobadilla, Ignatius’ first choice fell sick, Master Ignatius felt obliged to send a substitute. So against his own desires he sent his friend Francis Xavier.
Francis left early in 1540 – the first of many thousands of Jesuit missionaries.
Francis Xavier was given the official title of ‘Papal Nuncio to Asia’.
He was renowned for catechising and baptising many thousands of people.
Although originally he was sent to minister to the colonists, he had more success with the local Asians than he did with the Portuguese, many of whom were none-too pious exiles and ex-convicts.
Rorate caeli desuper
et nubes pluant justum:
Consolamini, consolamini, popule meus:
cito veniet salus tua:
quare moerore consumeris,
quia innovavit te dolor?
Salvabo te, noli timere,
ego enim sum Dominus Deus tuus,
Sanctus Israel, Redemptor tuus.
Let dew fall from the heavens above
and let clouds rain down justice;
Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people,
my salvation shall not tarry:
why wilt thou waste away in sadness,
why hath sorrow seized thee?
I will save thee, fear not,
for I am the Lord thy God,
Holy One of Israel, thy Redeemer.
A thought to ponder
In his Spiritual Exercises Ignatius suggests that we contemplate the fruits of the spirit.
Why not spend some time today considering the place of the fruits of the Spirit in your life.
Where do you find love, joy… etc.?
Scripture for the Day
As a way of praying today’s Scripture we suggest Lectio Divina
Galatians 5: 22-25 NRSVACE
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.
And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.
Let us not become conceited, competing against one another, envying one another.
Music for Today
Come Holy Spirit by One Life Music (in BSL)
Purchase more of the music of One Life Music

Castle at Javier
The castle home of Francis Xavier in the town of Javier where Francis was born and brought up. (Xavier or Xabier are alternative Basque spelling of Javier)
Photo: DWB – Ignatian Pilgrimage