Fourth Tuesday of Advent
– You can ponder on the picture. For a method of praying with pictures click button below.
– You can pray on the words of Scripture. For methods of praying with scripture click button below.
– You can follow the suggestions in the daily ‘Reflection’.
– You can listen to the music
Today’s Scripture
Psalm 89(88): 2-3; 4-5; 27, 29 ESV
I will sing for ever of your mercies, O Lord;
through all ages my mouth will proclaim your fidelity.
I have declared your mercy is established for ever;
your fidelity stands firm as the heavens.
‘With my chosen one I have made a covenant;
I have sworn to David my servant:
I will establish your descendants for ever,
and set up your throne through all ages.’
He will call out to me, “You are my father,
my God, the rock of my salvation.”
I will keep my faithful love for him always;
with him my covenant shall last.’
The psalm speaks of a God who is:
- Merciful
- Father
- A rock
- Faithful
Which aspects of God have you experienced?
Who do you need God to be in your life right now? Ask for God to be present to you in the way you need.
How might you be called to bring mercy, or loving parenthood, or to be someone’s rock today?
Give thanks to God for people in your life who have brought these things into your life. Thank them too.
Today’s Music
Father Me (O Father of the Fatherless, Graham Kendrick) – sung by Dive into Worship
When the sun rises in the heavens you will see the king of kings. He comes forth from the Father like a bridegroom coming in splendour from his wedding chamber.
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