This prayer is a reflection to become more aware of God at work in your life. It should also throw up negative experiences which you may be able to avoid in the future. We suggest this prayer is done at the end of every day, but some people find the first thing in the morning is more helpful.

Be still
Be still and remember the God who loves you is present with you now.
Look back over the day
Ask God to shine a light into your heart so that looking back you may be able to see God at work.
Pay attention to your emotions
What brought you joy?
Is there anything you feel unhappy about?
Talk to God about your day
For what do you feel most thankful? Give thanks.
For what do you feel least thankful? Hand this over to God.
What have you learned from the day, how have you grown?
Look forward to tomorrow.
How might you make the best of the day.
Further Resources
Printable sheet on the Examen
Workshop on the Examen -YouTube.
Workshop on the Examen – sound only