David was born in Wales in about the year 500.
He became bishop of Menevia in Wales and is reputed to have established many churches and monasteries in the country. Around 550, he attended the Synod of Brefi, where his eloquence in opposing Pelagianism caused his fellow monks to elect him primate of the region.
His monastic life was renowned as austere, not surprisingly, as it was of the era of the Celtic monks.
Traditionally he was believed to have died in St David’s, Pembrokeshire.
His burial place was a popular place of pilgrimage for many years and has many times been destroyed and rebuilt.
He is now the patron saint of Wales, celebrated on the 1st of March.
St David of Wales
c 500: Born.
c 550: attended the Synod of Brefi.
c 589: Died (probably in St David’s, Pembrokeshire)
Lords, brothers and sisters, be joyful, and keep your faith and your creed, and do the little things that you have seen me do and heard about. And as for me, I will walk the path that our fathers have trod before us.” “Do ye the little things in life””
Reputed to be the words of David from his death-bed
Today’s Scripture
Psalm 121: CEB
I raise my eyes toward the mountains.
Where will my help come from?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
the maker of heaven and earth.
3 God won’t let your foot slip.
Your protector won’t fall asleep on the job.
4 No! Israel’s protector
never sleeps or rests!
5 The Lord is your protector;
the Lord is your shade right beside you.
6 The sun won’t strike you during the day;
neither will the moon at night.
7 The Lord will protect you from all evil;
God will protect your very life.
8 The Lord will protect you on your journeys—
whether going or coming—
from now until forever from now.
Thought for the Day
Doing ‘little things well’, is something we can all feel we can manage.
What little things am I called to do?